PAM² session at SIG Meeting: Advancing Precision in AM in September 2019

A special PAM² session was held at the 6th Special Interest Group meeting: Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing which took place between the 16th-18th September 2019 in Nantes, France. In this half-day long session, seven PAM² ESRs presented their latest results on advancements in precision additive metal manufacturing. The presenting ESRs were Lokesh Chandrabalan (ESR 2), Mirko Sinico (ESR 3), Umberto Paggi (ESR 6), Jitka Metelkova (ESR 7), Amal Prashanth Charles (ESR 10), Amrozia Shaheen (ESR 13) and Markus Baiers (ESR 14). You can read and watch these presentations in our Publications section or on our PAM² YouTube channel.